My monthly painting challenge in 2021

One of my resolutions in 2021 is paint more and I decided to challenge myself to paint watercolour painting at least one in every 2 - 3 days. And part of the challenge was to running my digital space where I can share my artwork and keep motivate myself.

It’s been only just over a month and so far.. I am happy to report that I think I can do this! I found myself more motivated to pick up my brush and get in the mood for painting even after a hard day at work. Perhaps especially when I had a tough day, I’m more motivated to find my zen and just paint.

In February (only 5 days passed so far at the time I’m writing this blog), I painted 6 - 7 pieces although I do not care so much about the number of paintings - hope the quality and technic will improve over the time. I feel really happy while I’m doing it and it is strange, once I finish this little 5 x 7 size of art, it gives me some kind of closure of my day. I hope I can keep this up as it’s been also a great practice and learning time for me.

Recently I also found that how much I love putting little birds in the sky on my painting! Which is.. kind of funny as nowadays that’s all I do - putting those birds in at the end of my finish. It’ll be interesting to see if all of my Feb painting will have the birds silhouette. :p


Isaro Watercolor Paints Review


My painting exercises until 2021